Preventing Slips and Force Production

Slipping on snowy and icy roads is once again a topical issue, especially for the elderly population.

In preventing slips, balance is often primarily considered important. But what role does force production, and especially rate of force production, play?

Rate of force production is a crucial attribute when having to quickly correct body position, e.g. when slipping. The rate of force production declines with age. On average, a 30-year-old reaches maximum force levels in under 2 seconds, while it takes a 60-year-old around 2.5 seconds. Balance and rate of force production can and should be trained, for example, as part of other activities – balance during warm-ups and rate of force production by occasionally doing explosive sprints during runs or rapid, explosive movements with weights at the gym. You can apply the same principle to almost any activity, especially if your normal movement is mostly slow-paced or endurance-focused. Remember, in addition to clinical work, I also provide training and coaching for clients, regardless of their baseline level or age! If you are interested in improving your performance in daily life or sports, get in touch or come in for an appointment so we can set an appropriate, individualized goal and plan for you!

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